What/Where/Why: Sanitization Station

Business as usual? Not quite. Though many beauty professionals already had obsessive cleanliness standards pre-COVID, the reality of close contact and increased importance on personal protection is now mandatory for pros resuming service.

During our zoom happy hour last week, one hot topic was sanitization methods. One the piqued our interest was UV sanitization. Hence, this week’s what/where/why.

WHAT: Sanitization boxes and wands. We’ve curated a few of our favorites that marry function with style.

WHERE: Use wands to help prep your space and to ease client’s nerves of close contact. After service, sanitize brushes per normal methods, then disinfect with UV light. Use UV wand on any products or palettes used.

WHY: High-energy beams of UVC (ultraviolet C) light effectively sanitizes surfaces without the use of chemicals. In 30 seconds, UVC light can kill up to 99.9% of germs that get in its way. Do it for your safety, for your client’s health and everyone’s peace of mind.

Claire Adams