Payouts Please

Getting paid with Beauty Scripts is easy. Simply connect your PayPal account email in ‘Settings’ and you’ll get paid on the regular. 💴👌

Payouts are made on account balances that have reached $10 or more. You can easily see where you’re at with your payouts by checking your ‘Analytics.’ You’ll see which scripts converted to sales and what products are your best performers. 

Your commission earnings are available as soon as product sales clear, which is usually around six weeks (leaving time for a potential product return). Once we get the go ahead, we’ll pass that mullah on to you.

Creating this passive income stream by leveraging your advice to better care for your clients is the reason why I created Beauty Scripts. I’d love to hear from you about your experience using Bx and how it’s changing the way you work. Please leave a comment below with your stories and suggestions.

xx -Greta, Founder & CEO

Greta Eagan