How to Expand into Beauty Content Creating with Jamie Stone

The world of beauty and influence is changing. More beauty professionals have turned to content creating as a way to supplement their income during COVID and found that sharing their knowledge, getting creative with beauty tutorials, and even offering virtual workshops or lessons is actually something they want to continue doing. If you've been curious about this avenue or even dabbled in it and are ready to make content creating a mainstay, this episode is for you.

Our guest is Jamie Stone, the creator behind and host of the A Little Too Much podcast. As a former beauty publicist, Jamie knew what brands would be looking for and how to navigate negotiations when she started her blog. She shares tips for working with brands, how to create content authentically in a way that actually works for you, what to look out for in a contract. And, of course, she shares her favorite products for 2021 too.

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Show Notes

Guthy Renker


A Little Too Much Podcast with Jamie Stone

Jamie on Instagram and TikTok






Jamie’s Favorite Products

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