What/Where/Why: Michanna Murphy

With Bx Pro MUA @michannamurphy, quarantine comfort edition, layering included.

WHAT: During this crazy time of uncertainty, I have been looking to fragrance to cheer me up and provide some comfort. The line of fragrance that has become my go-to is the wonderful and amazing scents from @LeLabo.

WHERE: I use these scents in many forms. I have the Le Labo body oil and lotion in Santal 33. When I want the scent to last for a long time, I layer the two. If I’m in a creative mood I will layer Another 13, The Noir 29 or Rose 31 on top of the Santal 33 body products and luxuriate in the fragrance combo all day!

WHY: It brightens my mood each and every time. Wearing certain scents can be nostalgic and bring back amazing memories and also put you in a relaxed zen mental space. I think during this pandemic it is paramount that we all keep our stress levels down for the sake of keeping our immune systems healthy and strong. Fragrance is an easy go-to that will always deliver. Here’s to wearing your favorite fragrance to boost your mood!

Claire Adams